My Wood Oven

A Place For Wood Oven Lovers to Gather

The weather if getting better. Should be near 70 this weekend. So I'm "preheating" the oven right now. I'll keep a small to medium fire going for a few hours and the crank up the heat and hour or so before we cook in it. My oldest son Jason (In the orange t-shirt on my cover photo) wants to have some friends over tomorrow evening. With the oven, I have a feeling we're going to be the regular hang out spot for free food! I can't complain, both the boys have a good group of friends

More later.... I've got some canadian bacon to smoke.


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Comment by Joe Campbell on March 7, 2009 at 9:47pm
Well, this afternoon I smoked some canadian style bacon, made some pizza dough and some pita dough. I did something different with the pizza dough. I made several single serving size crusts and prebaked them like someone else in the group posted. I like it! So much easier.

Tomorrow morning I'll make more dough and prebake the crusts. Jason and a couple of his friends are going to Cades Cove . He wanted the pita bread to go with some hummis.

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